Top 5+ Voicemail Recorders to Make Professional or Personal Voicemail
There are many samples of voicemail greetings on the Internet. You can choose one and create a memorable voicemail for business or personal use based on your need. If you want to record iPhone or Android voicemail from online streams, or you want to get some inspirations from voicemail recorder apps, you just come to the right place. This is the complete tutorial to record voicemails for your phone. You can also get 5 voicemail recorder apps for customized voicemail greetings.

- Part 1: Record Custom Voicemail Greeting from Browser or Microphone
- Part 2: Top 5 Voicemail Recorder Apps for iPhone and Android
Part 1: Record Custom Voicemail Greeting from Browser or Microphone
You can turn your favorite conversion or audio track as a voicemail with Vidmore Screen Recorder. The audio recording software is capable to record audio from browser, player or anything else on desktop. Moreover, you can record your voice as voicemail greeting within Vidmore Screen Recorder. The built-in audio trimmer can help you extract the certain audio clip. Later, you can save the voicemail recording as MP3, M4A, WMA or other formats.
- Record voicemail with system audio and microphone sound with the highest audio quality.
- Trim the audio recording to save the important clip as a voicemail.
- Detect the audio source automatically.
- Save voicemail audio recording as MP3, M4A, AAC, WMA or CAF format.
- Set hotkeys to start and stop recording audio for voicemail greetings.
- The voicemail recorder software works with Windows 10/8.1/8/7 and Mac OS X 10.10 or above.
Step 1: Free download and install Vidmore Screen Recorder. Choose Audio Recorder to record voicemail or voice recording message.

Step 2: Enable System Sound to record Internet audio or other audio streams from your computer. You can also enable Microphone to record voicemails with both system audio and microphone audio.

Step 3: Click the Menu icon to adjust voicemail recording settings. In the popping-up Preferences window, you can set the output audio format, quality and more. Click OK to save changes.

Step 4: Click REC to start recording voicemails. When you stop recording, you will be in the Preview window automatically.

Step 5: Set the start and end time to trim the audio recording. Meanwhile, you can click the Play icon to pre-listen the file. At last, click Save to export the voicemail greeting to your computer.

Part 2: Top 5 Voicemail Recorder Apps for iPhone and Android
You can also record your own voice email message with a voicemail recorder app on your phone. If you want to access the advanced features or get a grant for voicemail recording, you will be required to pay for the service. As a result, you can record voicemail messages on iPhone and Android successfully.
Top 1: YouMail
YouMail offers the cloud-based voicemail and a giant inbox. You can record voicemails to email or text. It is also supported to replay to voicemail within YouMail. Moreover, the voicemail recorder for iPhone app can stop robocalls and block any caller with the personalized blacklist.

Top 2: Line2
Line2 offers both the iOS and Android versions of the voicemail recorder app. You can make visual voicemail, text and make phone calls from a private number through the Internet connection for free. As for Line2 users in US and Canada, you will not be charged with any international roaming fees.

Top 3: Google Voice
Google Voice is a VoIP service that allows users to transcribe voicemails, make international calls, and send free SMS messages to US phones. Once you have a personal Google account, you can record voicemails on Android, iPhone and even computer. (Check how to record Google Hangout)

Top 4: HulloMail
By using HulloMail, you can receive the transcribed versions of voicemails. The maximum voicemail length ups to 120 seconds. It is also supported to enable email notification. Thus, you can deal with voicemails including the transcription and audio immediately.

Top 5: VoicemailSaver
VoicemailSaver offers the quality message-archiving service for almost 20 years. You can record, download and save voicemails within the voicemail recorder app on iPhone and Android. Moreover, you can backup voicemail to MP3 or CD within VoicemailSaver app.

That’s all to record voicemails with different audio tracks. You can use professional audio recording software or voicemail recorder app to record voicemail greetings. If you have any other good voicemail massage recorder, you can share with us in the comments below.